We will be closed from Thursday, including Friday and Saturday, for Thanksgiving weekend.

Address: 2208 W Burbank Blvd, Burbank, CA 91506


Mon - Fri: 7:45 Am - 5:30 Pm

Sat: 8:00 Am - 2:30 Pm

Sun: Closed

Unusual Warning Sounds in a Car to Lookout For

There are various abnormal and unwanted car noises that you need to take cognizance of, while you’re driving on the roads. If noticed early, you can prevent some major damages to the components. This can eventually save a lot of bucks, which otherwise can be very high if there are serious complications. Therefore, you need to find out ways in identifying various car noises and the problems that cause them. Once you identify the exact cause(s) of the unwanted noise coming from under the hood/bonnet or from somewhere else, the job of fixing it becomes easier and less expensive. Rather going for a complete overhaul, you just need to look at the problematic area. In Burbank, CA, there are a few top-rated auto repair shops that can assist you in this process. So, lets learn about the various sounds & noises and know its causes.


  • Squeaking Noise – caused due to metal contact, resulting in corrosion & friction. Especially in brake shoes, brake pads & rotors.
  • Clicking – this noise comes out from under the bonnet, possible when the engine is low in oil or lubricants. Or, there might be some serious issue with the valve train.
  • Rattling – it indicates that there’s something loose or there’s something lodged under the car.
  • Popping or Banging – it might be due to a problem of exhaust leakage or an issue with the catalytic converter of the vehicle. Or, simply maybe the engine is out of tuning.
  • Sputtering Noise – it can be a problem relating to the engine’s fuel, ignition (spark plug) or exhaust mechanism if the noise is coming from the front of the car.
  • Hissing Sound – it is possibly due to a leakage in the fluid pipe that is coming in contact with the hot metal of the engine, or may be due to a vacuum leak in one of the hoses around the air intake mechanism of the engine.
  • Grinding Noise – this type of sound actually comes from the gearbox, where there is a problem with the clutch bearing, or the entire clutch mechanism itself.
  • Clanging Sound – this is when any big or heavy metal part is swinging and hitting other metal parts of the body and underframe of your vehicle.
  • Whirring – this sound basically comes from a faulty fan, rotor or pump motor that is still revolving unevenly, after the engine is being switched on or ignited.
  • Knocking – when you press the accelerator pedal, you might hear this sound, or when your car’s engine is not properly tuned.

So, these are the various sounds to identify, as it might be a warning sign or symptom for your aging vehicle that has been running for a considerable period of time without any major maintenance. If any of these sounds become prominent, visit an auto repair shop in Burbank or a qualified mechanic that can help solve the problem with ease. In fact, they’ve got all the modern infrastructure.

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Call us for booking an early appointment and get all your car related problems solved by our experts.