Address: 2208 W Burbank Blvd, Burbank, CA 91506
Mon - Fri: 7:45 Am - 5:30 Pm
Sat: 8:00 Am - 2:30 Pm
Sun: Closed
We’re a full-service tire repair center, offering professional tire services in Burbank, CA, through our team of professionals that have years of experience in replacing old & damaged car, truck, van & SUV tires after they have served their life-span. We also perform wheel alignment services for cars, after fitting a new set of tires on a car. It also includes checking for optimum tire pressure and the condition of the treads.
A tire keeps your vehicle rolling. So, you cannot afford to neglect this component of your car without which your automobile is useless. We at Burbank Motor Works, specialize in every aspect of tire repair & replacement service in Burbank, CA. Apart from flat tire replacement, we also offer Nitrogen fill tire care, that significantly enhances tire life. We’ve got experts for performing all types of car tire services in the most professional and flawless manner.
Not just tire replacement, we have an array of automotive services lined up. It also includes computer aided wheel alignment & balancing. Again, flat tire repair and old tire replacement is carried out in a technologically advanced manner. So, there’s no scope for errors.
Our experienced tire care mechanics help ensure that everything works in a seamless manner, Be it anything under the hood, behind the dashboard, in the driver’s cabin, around the chassis and about the wheel. And, tire repair service is one of the many service areas. Call us now at 818-848-1656 to know more about our professional tire services.
Flat tire repair services is carried in a modern way without damaging the tubeless radial.
Performing filling-up of nitrogen that helps in slowing the process of tire pressure loss, thus enhancing life.
Checking for tire pressure, alignment & wheel balancing is carried out using the latest inspection technique.
For queries related to auto servicing
After your car has run extensively for years, it is the tire that shows the first signs of visible wear & tear and damage. The treads become weak, there are cracks, holes and punctures, which needs immediate attention. The best solution was to replace all the damaged tires with new ones, else do a fresh retreading work to give it a life extension. And with our professional tire repair service, you can enjoy a safe, comfortable and smooth driving experience on the city roads.
We also perform wheel alignment services, after a new set of tires has been fitted on to your car or truck. This ensures safety and car balance. At Burbank Motor Works, we specialize in replacing tires for all brands of cars and in different sizes, whether it 16’, 18 or 22’ alloy wheels, we’re able to flawlessly fit tubeless radials on to them.
When it comes to a highly professional tire service in Burbank, CA, it is our certified, qualified and skilled mechanics that are able to perform replacement, repair and retreating work in a timely manner. This is how we help car owners get the maximum mileage and fuel-efficiency out of their vehicle, by fitting a tire in appropriate size and treads that not only provides a secure grip on the road, but helps improve the overall efficiency of your car.
Since a majority of automobile tires in the present times are tubeless radials, it requires the services of an experienced car professional to find out flaws and defects. And, we’re one of the specialized Burbank tire repair shop to get the job done in a seamless manner, without any flaws. Apart from generic car repair services in Burbank, our workshop performs complex car tire maintenance. With the use of the latest technology, we give a new life for your car tires. We fit & replace all sizes of tires and alloy rims for any brand of cars.
Find out more on how we provide highly effective and affordable tire repair service for our individual customers and fleet owners.
Call us for booking an early appointment and get all your car related problems solved by our experts.